Konect App for Telecommunications

When it comes to expanding and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure, Konect provides the detailed maps, diagrams and data required to keep our world connected.

Australia’s leading Telco providers use the Konect app

DownerAdrian Dorman
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Konect is dragging Telcos – who are meant to be at the forefront of technology – to the forefront of technology!
Tecktrum Consulting
Tecktrum ConsultingHarvey Ryan
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Konect turned a Telco’s logistical predicament into a streamlined, productive process.

Digital Transformation of Field Operations


Konect makes managing telecommunications easier by replacing paper with digital maps and data, directly accessible on mobile devices.


It simplifies complex tasks like network expansion, providing essential project details and updates in a clear, easy-to-use format.


Field teams get quick access to vital project information, can easily report progress with photos, and use smart, easy-to-fill forms, all through their smartphones.
GBM Konect iphones with alternative maps

Instant Info Access

Providing all the relevant information that may be required, such as pit, duct, cable and splice details on the app.

Smart Data Gathering

Accurately collecting data with flexible forms that incorporate geo-tagging, conditional logic and auto-populating fields.

Real-Time Reporting

Streamlining reporting with real-time photo and file uploads that are automatically linked to each project.

How Konect is being used to roll out telecommunications infrastructure

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