Proving invaluable is just the beginning

Incorporating some of Tasmania’s most spectacular scenery, Kingborough Council is a shining example of how Konect is transforming local government infrastructure management, and improving productivity.

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Konect enables crews to proactively address field issues


Management of stormwater through the creation of rain gardens


Konect's benefits are being showcased across departments


Konect's visual representation aligns tasks with Service Level Agreements

Incorporating some of Tasmania’s most spectacular scenery, Kingborough Council is a shining example of how Konect is transforming local government infrastructure management, and improving productivity.

Chatting with Matthew Snow, Kingborough Council’s Business Support Officer, you get a clear understanding that Konect has become an invaluable part of day-to-day operations.

“Since we first adopted Konect is has truly improved our productivity, allowing crews to spend more valuable time in the field, picking up issues proactively, rather than relying on the ratepayers to bring things to our attention.”

Konect is playing a role across numerous Council’s endeavours, but one that few people will have heard of is Rain Garden Systems.

Matt explains, “A rain garden is a garden bed into which stormwater is fed. Water can be collected from a roof, driveway, road or paved area and then fed into the system from the surface, percolating through the soil. Excess water is then returned to the stormwater system via sub-surface drainage”.

Matthew has developed a ‘software bridge’ between Konect and the Council’s asset management system, thereby creating a work order system where the works department as a whole can initialise, interpret and complete works based on a visual representation of urgency.

“Konect allows the end user to see when their works are due. It presents work at a visual level, removes the necessity for manual processes and schedules work in line with our Service Level Agreements.”

At even the most basic level, Konect is helping to deliver cost and time savings, and with Konect being showcased to other Council departments, it’s only a matter of time before it’s the talk of the town from Taroona to Gordon.

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