Release Notice – Konect V4.07

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Konect Version 4.07 will be released Thursday the 14th of September 2017. As a consequence, there will be a maintenance window from 5:00 PM Thursday 14th of September 2017 to 5:00 AM 15th of September 2017 AEST and Konect will be unavailable during this time.

Updates for both Konect Manager and Konect App will be compulsory, so if required please organise with your IT to have the installations performed. 

Full release notes will be available on the Release Wiki ( ) once the deployment has been finalised, however for a high level view of what is included in  Konect Version 4.07 please see the lastest Konect Road Map which can be accessed with the following link:

Apologies for the late notice. Please contact us for any information or assistance you require.