Konect Release – Konect V4.00 Release note

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Konect Version 4.00 will be released on Thursday 2 March 2017.

Version 4.00 is a major release and incorporates a number of significant enhancements including the introduction of Konect App for Windows 10. Both Konect Manager and Konect App will require compulsory upgrades, so for those users who don’t have administrator rights, you’ll need IT assistance to get up and running when you start work on Thursday. If you’re do need IT support, please organise it for Thursday morning so that you minimise disruption.

Note that Konect App will automatically update itself the first time it is run following the V4.00 release. If Konect App has been left running on a device, the user will be prompted to re-start with the new version. The new Windows 10 version of Konect App can be downloaded from the Windows Store – search for ‘Konect’ or you may find it easier to search for ‘Windows Store Konect ‘ in a browser and follow one of the links.

Please review the release notes, ( https://konect.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RN/Version+4.00 ), which will bring you up to date with new Konect features, bug fixes and known issues that may impact some users.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any information or assistance you require.

The Konect Team